Insider trading

The following insiders have today bought shares in Apptix ASA at an average price of NOK 0.65 per share:

Windchange Invest AB, a company controlled by the Chairman Johan Lindqvist, has bought 178 920 shares and controls after this trade directly and indirectly a total of  39 002 163 shares, corresponding to 24 % of the shares and votes in Apptix ASA. 

N Hugusson Inwest AB, a company controlled by Business Developer Niclas Hugosson, has bought 112 095 shares and controls after this trade a total of  16 607 968 shares corresponding to 10,22 % of the shares and votes in Apptix ASA.  

Jannerberg Invest AB, a company controlled by CEO Jesper Jannerberg, has bought 112 0 95 shares and controls after this trade a total of 19 570 452 shares corresponding to 12,04 %  the shares and votes in Apptix ASA.  

Factis Invest AB, a company controlled by COO Dennis Højer, has bought  44  961 shares and controls after this trade a total of  8 812 814 shares corresponding to 5,42 % of the shares and votes in Apptix ASA. 

Laika Invest AS, a company controlled by General Counsel Jon Schultz, has  bought 89 923 shares and controls after this trade a total of 821 828 shares corresponding to 0,51 % of the shares and votes in Apptix ASA.

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