Carasent ASA (“Carasent” or the “Company”) will publish its results from the third quarter 2022 on Wednesday 26 October. Today, the Company provides an update on revenues, EBITDA margin and the outlook for 2022. Carasent has provided a guidance of total revenues above NOK 200 million for 2022 (NOK 137.1 million in 2021), excluding potential from additional M&A and currency effects, and group EBITDA margin in line with 2021, of 33%. Full year revenues are expected to end slightly below the guidance of NOK 200 million, at NOK 190-195 million, excluding potential from additional M&A and currency effects. Group EBITDA is expected at about 25% in 2022 (adjusted for non-recurring items). Carasent’s revenues for the third quarter is expected to amount to NOK 47.4 million bringing the total revenues year to date to NOK 138.7 million. Currency effects and acquisitions have had a net negative impact on revenues of approximately NOK 4.7 million year to date Q3 2022. The effects on revenues naturally affect operating margins. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to amount to NOK 11.1 million in the third quarter 2022, corresponding to a margin of 23%. Carasent is building the foundation for long-term growth, through investing in management capacity and infrastructure that can scale with the business in the long term. The information above is based on a preliminary assessment of Carasent’s third quarter 2022 financial results. It may be subject to change until the financial statements have been finally approved and published by the Company. For further information, please contact: Dennis Höjer, CEO Carasent ASA, Phone: +46 733 28 49 22 Svein Martin Bjørnstad, CFO Carasent ASA, Phone: +47 979 69 493