Insiders acquire shares in Apptix

Insiders  acquire shares 

The following insiders in Apptix ASA has on October 
6, 2011 acquired shares in the Company at a share 
price of NOK 1,80 per share:

Johan Lindqvist, Chairman of the Board, has through 
Windchange  AS, a company controlled by him, bought 
1.900.000 shares and holds directly and indirectly 
after this transaction 9.155.059 shares.. 

Ebba  Åsly Fåhreus,  Member  of the Board, has bought 
100.000 shares and holds after this transaction 

Dave Ehrhardt, CEO, has bought 50.000 shares and 
holds after this transaction 58.949 shares and 
1.715.000 share options.

Chris Mack, CFO, has bought 30.000 shares and holds 
after this transaction 38.949 shares and 600.000 
share options.

Aubrey Smoot, SVP, has bought 46.116 shares and holds 
after  this transaction 46.116 shares and 275.000 
share options.

Joy Nemitz ,CMO,  has bought 30.000 shares and holds 
after  this transaction 30.000 shares and 200.000 
share options.

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